Most Popular Selfie Monopoly Packages

Selfie Station Packages



Video Messages $ 49
Enable video messaging so your guests can record 5-second toasts or product endorsements. Only available during last hour of event.

Video Messages $ 99
Enable video messaging so your guests can record 20-second toasts or product endorsements. Only available during last hour of the event.

Online Photo Album $ 199
After your event, you will receive a link to all photos taken from the event.

Live Twitter or Facebook Feed $399 
Have each photo taken automatically uploaded to your company or personal Twitter or Facebook Feed with any messaging or hashtag you prefer. This is a great branding option!

Data Collection $499 
At the end of your event, we will email you a list of all email addresses entered at the event for your future marketing purposes.

Combination Live Twitter and Facebook Feed $599

Logo on Selfie Station $699
Your Company Logo presented on the front of the Selfie Station below the 32" Touch Screen. The logo can be up to 18" wide by 15" long!

DJ or DJane 
Save $500 when combined with ANY Selfie Monopoly Package!

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Celebrating 40 Years of Service in 2025! Call today 202-369-1063.

40 Years of Service

Professional Memberships

  • American Independent Business Alliance (AIBA), Front Royal/VA affiliate, founding member
  • Association of Entertainment Professionals (AEP), founding member
  • International Association of Venue Managers (IAVM)
  • International Entertainment Buyers Association (IEBA)
  • International Festivals & Events Association (IFEA)
  • Meeting Professionals International (MPI)
  • North Carolina Presenters Consortium (NCPC)


American Bankers Association

American Brands

American Dental Association

American Heart Association

American Express

American Library Association

American Standard